Thank you for visiting my website
I use the website to share my images, express my creativity and to share my learning and experiences of photography and creative imaging.
I hope you will find something of use that might help you become a better photographer or inspire you to develop your own creativity.
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t interested in Photography or Art. I am fortunate to have owned a camera for most of my life and have always documented my walks and travels around the UK and abroad.

I started my own business in 2011 after obtaining a First Class BA (Hons) Degree in Graphic Communication at Leeds Metropolitan University and Batley School of Art & Design.
I live and work in Wakefield as a full time freelance Photographer, Artist and Graphic Designer and work mostly in the digital medium.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment about anything you see on the site.

I am often awed by the complexity of nature, the world around me and how it presents itself in form, shape, texture and a myriad of colours. My imagery reflects my view of the world and it is often abstract in nature. I have a love of abstract art and this is reflected in the work I do.
I am not a purist about photography, it is simply a medium. I use the camera as a tool, the first part of the process of producing an image, often with an artistic intent rather than a documentary capture. This may involve a number of creative techniques, including multiple exposure, ICM (intentional camera movement) and sometimes a combination of both.
I am a firm believer that you don’t need the most expensive kit to take good photographs in fact it is a good idea to go out without the whole kit and play with a compact to really get down to what taking pictures is all about. The most important thing you need is a good eye for composition and a passion for producing images that mean something to YOU.
Fuji X Series and Canon cameras and lenses.
Photo Editing Software: Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.
Digital Art Software: Pixarra Twisted Brush

Having worked for the last 30 years in education and I am a great advocate of sharing knowledge. In my years working in a West Yorkshire further education college I have had the opportunity to deliver a range of different workshops and training to all levels.
Go to my WORKSHOPS page for more information – where you can download leaflets for each of the workshops and talks. Please note I am not doing Workshops or 121 sessions at the moment, I am only doing talks via Zoom until further notice.
Whilst I am always happy to provide support and guidance via the website and email, there is no substitute for practical assistance and support and I think this, and only this can accelerate learning and development.
I am available to talk to Photography Groups, Societies etc to talk about my approach and techniques. You can contact me via the Contact form or social media if you are interested.
My aim is to help you make improvements in your own photography and creative imaging and to do that in an environment that is supportive and with like minded individuals. I cater for all levels from beginner to aspiring professional and work only with small groups to ensure maximum contact and inspiration. I want to help you get the maximum enjoyment from my sessions and to come away from them with a renewed enthusiasm for photography and to develop your own creative images.