I am to talk to Photography Groups, Societies etc about my approach and techniques.
I can also offer small group or 121 sessions on Photography and Digital Editing using Lightroom and Photoshop. I am happy to customise workshops to your specific needs.
Given circumstances due to Covid-19 I am providing presentations and workshops via Zoom only until further notice.

All of my sessions except are aimed at offering advice and instructional technique, I do this via a zoom presentation and I actively encourage people to ask questions throughout to make the session as interactive as possible. I also reference resources like other photographers, books and videos etc that might be helpful. I have my own Zoom licence so I am happy host a meeting for you if required.
PLEASE NOTE: I do my zoom sessions on the understanding that participants will attend and take part in the online session. If you are a photography club or society please understand that I expect members will take part in the zoom session and not a hybrid/hall meeting
This is a general introduction and overview to the work I do, my influences, creative approach and how I developed my vision. I talk about the techniques I use to create my work including my use of in-camera composites and use of alternative capture like scanner and wet media.
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I talk about how to take a more Creative Approach to photography. This includes developing a creative mindset, overcoming barriers to being creative and ideas on using projects to develop creativity. I show a couple of my projects to give examples of how I have used this approach in my own work. Download PDF Leaflet
This is presentation of two halves and it’s all about how I work in-camera to achieve affects through soft focus, shallow depth of field and how you can use 3rd party lenses like vintage and Lensbaby to achieve a ‘look’ to images.
I also talk about approaches to being creative with ICM and Multiple Exposure and how to use these techniques in your work. I show lots of examples and provide instruction on using the techniques to best effect.
.Download PDF Leaflet
This session shows how I use Photoshop to create some of my images and covers some of the building blocks like layers, masks, smart objects, luts etc for developing blended images like multiple exposures, using textures, making brushes, abstract composites etc through demonstrating live in Photoshop. It presumes a general understanding and basic use of the software but can be enjoyed by users new to the software wanting ideas and tips.
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In this presentation I introduce you to ideas and methods for creating interesting abstracts in the urban environment using both straight and multiple exposure photography. It’s all about developing an ‘abstract eye’ and learning to see in different ways by concentrating on key elements like, shapes, form, structure, lines, texture etc.
You can contact me via the Contact form or social media if you are interested
Having worked for the last 30 years in education and I am a great advocate of sharing knowledge. In my years working in a West Yorkshire further education college I have had the opportunity to deliver a range of different workshops and training to all levels.
My aim in my Workshops is to help you make improvements in your own photography and creative imaging and to do that in an environment that is supportive and with like minded individuals. I cater for all levels from beginner to aspiring professional and work only with small groups to ensure maximum contact and inspiration. I want to help you get the maximum enjoyment from my sessions and to come away from them with a renewed enthusiasm for photography and to develop your own creative images.